Upper Grassy Greens

“Fresh, clean greens from our house to yours”

“Fresh, clean greens from our house to yours”

Turning Greens Into a Means: A Review of Upper Grassy Greens, LLC.

Founded by Yohance and Mei Ling Martin of Woodbury Connecticut, Upper Grassy Greens is a Veteran-owned and operated family business that allows for creative and financial freedom, all while supplying the resources and education needed to help those (who are willing) to enhance their health through the introduction and integration of microgreens into their diets.

What are “microgreens” anyway?

Microgreens are the miniature stalks, stems, and leaves of (developing) green plants that are harvested when they are very young instead of being allowed to grow to full maturity.  Unless you have your finger on the pulse of the latest health trends, you may only recognize them as garnish on plates and in bowls at fancy restaurants. Over the last 4 decades or so, they have become increasingly popular and within the last handful of years especially, there has been a huge increase in the variety and frequency of microgreens being grown and used in restaurants and kitchens everywhere.

How they will help you #makehealthhappenanyway

The health benefits of these greens are many, and all can be attributed to their nutrient density.  When compared to mature plants, microgreens have a much higher content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  They’re also rich in enzymes to ease digestion and phytonutrients which help us prevent disease.

Why it #seimsright

I have been the fortunate recipient of multiple shipments of these fantastic greens since operations began. The business model is simple… I receive a monthly newsletter letting me know what variety of greens are being sprouted as well as suggestions on how to incorporate them into a healthy diet.  The day before my shipment is to arrive, I receive an email reminding me to leave a cooler out on my doorstep. Deliveries typically arrive first thing in the morning and are waiting for me when I arrive home later that afternoon. Within 24-48 hours, I receive an emailed invoice which allows me to pay for my order via PayPal, and with one simple click, I can quickly settle my bill and be on my way to enjoying these deliciously nutritious greens!

Promoting what I’m passionate about!

While I’ve consumed a wide variety of shoots  from Upper Grassy Greens, I want to take this opportunity to shine light on my most recent shipment of these magnificent green foods containing my favorite sprout thus far… the Sunflower!.  What I hope to do here is make us all a bit more familiar with this awesome microgreen and how it may help us to lead the healthy, happy lives we aspire to. My plan is to speak on some of the benefits of this powerful plant and show how I’ve easily integrated it into my own diet.

Benefits of Sunflower Microgreens

(information sourced from http://naturalsociety.com/11-reasons-grow-eat-sunflower-greens)

1. Sunflower greens offer one of the most balanced forms of a complete plant protein around. They provide all the essential amino acids and help to repair muscle tissue while supporting the enzymes of the body to do their jobs as well.
2. Sprouted sunflower greens, known as microgreens, also contain up to 100 times the enzymes of regular, full-grown greens. This means your body can more easily assimilate important phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.
3. Sunflower greens are full of folate (folic acid), and B complex, vital nutrients for pregnant women and a developing baby.
4. High levels of antioxidants in sunflower greens can aid in heart health, slow aging, and support cellular recovery. High levels of vitamins C, E, and selenium can even reduce high blood pressure and improve arterial health.
5. Sunflower greens are packed with nutrition and have very low calories, so they are a perfect food for those who want to lose weight.

6. Sunflower greens contain lecithin which help to break down fatty acids in the body.
7. They also contain vitamins A, D, and E as well as important minerals including calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium.
8. Eating sunflower seeds or greens helps to boost your reproductive health by providing the body with ample zinc. Zinc also works with over 300 enzymes in the body to keep things running smoothly.
9. Sunflower greens are incredible for boosting immunity. Leafy green sprouts, especially those of the sunflower variety are essential to creating innate lymphoid cells (ILC) important immunity-boosting cells found in the lining of the digestive system that help to keep our gut bacteria healthy. Many people realize by now that gut health is the primary form of fighting disease and foreign invaders in the body.
10. Sunflower sprouts are full of essential fatty acids that are needed to make a plant burst out of its seed shell. Start sprouting to receive up to 900% more nutrition from your food.
11. All sprouts, including sunflower sprouts are full of chlorophyll – the same substance which makes plants turn green. In human beings, this one constituent keeps our blood healthy, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, revitalizes tissues, and balances pH levels in the body.

How I integrate them into my family’s diet

There are many ways to use these versatile green foods.  I personally enjoy eating them right out of the container (as does my son Atlas), but for those with an aversion to munching on raw plants, one of the most effective ways to consume them is in a smoothie.  

Here is my staple smoothie recipe…

  • 1 or 2 ripe-overripe bananas

  • ¼-½ cup of nuts (walnuts, almonds or cashews… I prefer walnuts)

  • ¼ cup of seeds (chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin...tbsp of each = ¼ cup)

  • ½-1 cup of fresh or frozen berries (blue, black, straw, or ras… I prefer blue)

  • Handful of leafy greens (I prefer baby spinach or kale)

  • A hefty pinch of Sunflower Sprouts Upper Grassy Greens

  • 2-3 cups of spring water or plant-based milk

    • Optional add-ons

      • 1-2 tbsp of cacao powder

      • 1 tbsp of peanut butter

      • 1 tbsp of spirulina/chlorella powder

      • 1 tbsp of coconut oil

      • 20-40 drops of trace minerals

I’ve found this recipe to be a fan favorite around my house and frequently make it for my parents or any visitors I may have in need of a snack or just a healthy dose of well-rounded nutrition in their day.  Atlas has been drinking these since before he was able to ask for it, and now that he can, he does so quite often. It’s a great way to sneak some much-needed macro and micronutrients into the diet of our children!