How may I be of service?

I am here to provide you with support and resources to help you elevate your health and wellness. Both are just a decision away, and both can be attained with simple changes that have a profound impact.

My aim is to empower and inspire you to create the experience of health & wellness you envision for yourself.

I am dedicated to forming a supportive, long-lasting relationship with you by striving to use my SENSIBILITY and ENTHUSIASM to INSPIRE and MOTIVATE you to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

It just #seimsright!

I’m here to support you!

I’m here to support you!

Experiential Education

“Pantry Purge” (virtual)

-Analysis of the contents of your pantry and refrigerator/freezer

-“Purging” of less-than-optimal, health-sabotaging foods

-Tips on foods to avoid buying, healthier alternatives, and grocery planning

“Shopping for Health” (virtual)

-Tour local grocery store

-Customized tour based on the client’s health goals and preferences

-Focusing heavily on whole foods and the produce section

-Tips on reading food labels, storage & preparation and sensible meal planning

“Cooking with Kahs” (virtual)

-Private cooking lesson on best practices in the kitchen (virtual via Zoom)

-We will work together to select the desired menu in advance

-As a client, you will be responsible for acquiring the necessary ingredients; a shopping list will be emailed 48 hours prior to our session

Private Yoga Instruction (virtual)

-One-on-one instruction in beginner-level yoga (virtual via Zoom)

Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing), Dhyana (meditation)


Keynote lectures and workshops are available to large and small groups either virtually or in-person.  Past audiences have included students, athletes, teachers, childcare professionals, social service providers, and more. Send inquiries to for additional information.

Topics of discussion may include Self-Care 101, Mindful Living, Positive Parenting, Sensible Nutrition


  • All individual sessions are one-on-one conducted virtually unless in-person meeting is agreed upon (time, location, & travel expense dependent)

Questions we will answer together

How can we...

  • … use movement and play to improve our overall health? 

  • … use simple, effective movements to improve our strength, endurance, flexibility, and resilience?

  • ... adjust our sleep schedule and bedroom environment to improve sleep quality?

  • … create  “sacred” space in the home, devoted to contemplative practice?

  • … use mindfulness throughout our day to help promote presence, awareness, reduce stress, and increase resilience?

  • ...use our breath during challenging moments to ground, balance, and center ourselves?

  • … meal plan/prep to sensibly fuel our bodies for optimal performance?

  • … use whole-foods to better access the nutrients our bodies need for health and healing?

Health & Wellness Consultation

(One-on-one virtual)

-Discuss information related to medical history, dietary habits, and lifestyle 

-Prioritize health goals and present recommendations and initial action steps

-Provide guidance on meal planning, food prep, and shopping

-Provide guidance related to fitness strategies, informational resources, and mindfulness practices

-Meeting notes emailed within 48 hours, including a summary of the discussion, action steps, and recommendations, plus any links or resources discussed

-Follow-up call available 2 weeks after initial consultation

Health & Wellness Mentorship Program

“Being Human is Super!” (virtual)

Mindfulness, Movement, and Self-Care Practices for families, children & young adults

Concepts to be explored during the 4-session program...

-stress reduction techniques including mindfulness and breathing practices

-mindful movement including bodyweight and flexibility exercises

-practical approaches to self-care 

-best practices and simple hacks for improved nutrition and better “sleep hygiene”

*Sessions will be 90 minutes in duration

*Sessions will occur once a week for 4 weeks

*Recommended, independent “Om-work” in between sessions

Cheers to your health!

Cheers to your health!